the power of numerology

Use Your Lucky Numbers And Be A Winner!

Lucky Numbers Create World's Billionaires!

Do you know that most of the world's billionaires rose from the scratch using Lucky Numbers? That they made it to the peak in their business before they were 50? And That millions of MBAs & Ph.Ds Work & Toil for These Billionaires to make them Still More Richer! Education Does Not Matter To Become Rich In fact most of these billionaires did not study beyond basic schooling. Still they had made it to the top and now command very Big Positions and Global Empires! What is their Secret? It is in their Lucky Numbers 

Do your Numerology Calculation And Find Your Day Number, Life Number , Name Number, And Compound Number!

Success Factor

Knowingly or just by instinct, they used these numbers to work for them. They planned and executed their Time and Work Schedules as per these numbers! It is the most powerful single reason for their success.

You too can be lucky 

if you know how to use these numbers. Start any activity or business on your Lucky Day ruled by Numbers which are Lucky for you. These numbers decide your Success, Prosperity, & Fate!

Find Your Lucky Number

Find out your lucky numbers from an expert numerologist. He will find the numbers which are lucky to you from among 1,3,5,6,or 9. He will not give inferior numbers such as 7, 2, 4, or 8, which can be unlucky for you.

The Reasoning For Lucky Numbers

Can you as a rule use your Day number and Life number as Lucky to you? You can not. The numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 need not be lucky to you, even if any of it is your Day Number or Life Number. Mercury Rules 5. It is friendly to all. Saturn rules 8. It is enemy to all. Jupiter rules over 3. And Venus rules No. 6. Venus & Jupiter are enemies. So are Rahu & Ketu. Mars & Moon are also sworn enemies. Measure Your Luck! Tips You Won't Get Else Where!

Friend Or Enemy?

The concept of Luck in Numbers is deep. Your Day and Life No. should not be enemies. If your Day No. is 3 and Life No. is 6, they oppose each other. 3 is ruled by Jupiter, and 6 is ruled by by its enemy Venus! They pull you in two opposite directions. Your success in any direction is prevented. It is to correct this fault, that our forefathers invented Name Numerology, & shown How To Correct Your Name to Solve this Conflict.

Take expert Help

If you are not lucky with your present name, better change it. Use  our expert help. We design and give you the most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names, & Lucky Personal Names. We correct your signature, prescribe Lucky Numbers,  Lucky Days, and Lucky Gems.  We confirm their accuracy by numerology, to Ensure your Success!