Uttam Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab astrology calculations, predictions & remedies for 10 years which are as follows

1. Avkhada

2. Planetary Degree and Position

3. House Position

4. Birth Chart, Lal Kitab Chart, Moon Chart, Moon Lal Kitab

5. Friendship table and Graha/Rashi phal

6. Lal Kitab Dasha/Antardasha

7. Various Lal Kitab Horoscopes with conclusion

8. Debts of previous birth as per Lal Kitab

9. Lal Kitab Varsh Charts for 10 years

Lal Kitab Predictions

1. Lal Kitab Planetary Predictions

2. Lal Kitab Varsh Chart Predictions for 10 years

Lal Kitab Remedies

1. Remedies for all planets as per Lal Kitab

2. Remedies for Lal Kitab Debts

3. Remedies for Lal Kitab Varsha Chart for 10 years. (Special remedies to be used in the beginning of the year to make the year more auspicious)

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